Resource Roundup: Assisting People to Move Swiftly Into Permanent Housing
To end homelessness as quickly and efficiently as possible, communities must focus on streamlining connections to permanent housing and providing people with the appropriate level of services to support their long-term housing stability. Communities across the country have been embracing Housing First approaches across their systems, removing as many obstacles and unnecessary requirements as possible in order to expedite people’s access to stable housing.
Effective Housing First approaches , developed in response to strong evidence, include: expanding access to new and existing affordable housing for people experiencing homelessness; providing rapid re-housing to families and individuals; and providing supportive housing to people with the most intense needs.
Expand access to new and existing affordable housing for people experiencing homelessness.
Aligning Affordable Housing Efforts with Actions to End Homelessness and an accompanying webinar provide strategies and resources to support community efforts.
The Importance of Housing Affordability and Stability for Preventing and Ending Homelessness provides research on the importance of housing affordability and stability for ending homelessness and achieving other outcomes.
Webinar: Making the Case for Affordable Housing and Ending Homelessness provides tools for communities to build the public and political will for affordable housing.
Core Components of Centralized Landlord Engagement Programs and Community Landlord Engagement Initiatives helps communities recruit and retain new landlords to efforts to end homelessness.
Connect people to rapid re-housing.
Federal Resources That Can Fund Rapid Re-Housing is a chart that can help communities scan for additional rapid re-housing resources.
Rapid Re-Housing Toolkit (NAEH) helps current and potential rapid re-housing providers design and operate effective rapid re-housing programs.
Rapid Re-Housing for Youth (HUD) provide a suite of tools and products, including a Jump Start tool, a set of FAQs, and a checklist.
Integrating Rapid Re-Housing and Employment (Heartland Alliance) offers program-level recommendations for enhancing the design and delivery of rapid re-housing with employment supports.
Webinar: Housing First and Rapid Re-Housing For Survivors (NASH) is designed for domestic violence programs who participate/want to participate in their Continuum of Care.
Connect people with the most intense needs to permanent supportive housing.
Housing First in Permanent Supportive Housing (HUD) provides an overview of the principles and core components of the Housing First model.
Implementing Housing First in Permanent Supportive Housing discusses permanent supportive housing and Housing First as tools for ending chronic homelessness.
Permanent Supportive Housing Evidence-Based Practices Toolkit (SAMHSA) discusses how to develop new programs within mental health systems that are grounded in evidence-based practices.
Permanent Supportive Housing: Evaluating Your Program (SAMHSA)
Prioritizing Persons Experiencing Chronic Homelessness in Permanent Supportive Housing
HHS Primer on How to Use Medicaid to Assist Persons who are Homeless includes innovative strategies for incorporating Medicaid benefits into supportive services for people experiencing homelessness.
Supportive Housing 101 Online Training and Supportive Housing Quality Toolkit (CSH)
- Case Studies: Demonstrating the Effectiveness of Supportive Housing for Families in the Child Welfare System
- Examining Non-Time-Limited Youth Supportive Housing as Part of a Coordinated Community Response to End Homelessness