10 Strategies to Reduce Homelessness With the American Rescue Plan

September 20, 2021

House America: An All-Hands-On-Deck Effort to Address the Nation's Homelessness Crisis 

This new guidance, available as a PDF, is intended to help leaders at all levels of government to leverage the housing resources in the American Rescue Plan—primarily the Emergency Housing Voucher (EHV) and HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME-ARP) funds—as well as other federal, state, and local resources to reduce homelessness.

It is published as part of the House America initiative, which provides communities with the focus, resolve, and technical know-how needed to maximize the impact of the American Rescue Plan. Through House America , HUD and USICH are inviting state, local, and tribal leaders to join a national partnership to use this historic investment to address the homelessness crisis through a Housing First approach.

The guidance details the following 10 strategies:

Lay the Groundwork

1. Set Community-Specific Goals

2. Cultivate Political Will and Partnerships

3. Ensure Racial Equity in All Decision-Making

4. Reduce Administrative and Regulatory Barriers

Strengthen the Rehousing System

5. Reduce Waiting Periods for Housing Placements

6. Guarantee Paths to Housing From Unsheltered Homelessness

7. Recruit, Support, and Retain Landlords

8. Leverage Support Services

Expand the Affordable Housing Supply

9. Support Innovation in Development

10. Coordinate Federal, State, and Local Housing Resources

Click to read the guidance.