HUD Announces New Resources and Technical Assistance to Address Rural, Unsheltered, and Youth Homelessness
The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) recently announced new resources, technical assistance, and regulatory flexibilities to support their efforts to address homelessness, particularly among youth, people in unsheltered settings, and people in rural areas.
HUD is making $50 million in Youth Homelessness System Improvement (YHSI) grants available to communities nationwide. The grants will focus on systemic change to either improve or create response systems for youth at risk of or experiencing homelessness by funding projects that. YHSI applications are due in February.
Additionally, HUD is engaged in a technical assistance strategy to help the 62 CoCs and 139 public housing authorities (PHAs) that received new targeted resources to address rural and unsheltered homelessness.
HUD also issued a letter to PHAs encouraging them to take full advantage of HUD resources and regulatory flexibilities to support their work to address homelessness.