HUD Announces Annual $3.5B for Homeless Services and Launches First-of-Its-Kind "CoCBuilds" Funding

August 15, 2024
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The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) recently announced that it will provide more than $3.5 billion in competitive and streamlined funding to homeless services organizations.

This money—which is awarded through HUD’s Continuum of Care (CoC) Program and the largest-ever single-year investment in communities’ homelessness response systems—is for supportive services and housing programs for people experiencing homelessness.

The application deadline is October 30. For the first time, HUD is issuing a two-year CoC Program Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO), so communities are only required to submit one CoC application for both FY 2024 and FY 2025.

HUD is also applying a first-of-its-kind cost-of-living adjustment to allow CoC budgets to better keep up with rising costs. This will provide additional pay and support for homeless assistance providers and improve overall service delivery for people experiencing homelessness.

The NOFO contains explicit funding for:

  • survivors of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking
  • youth
  • people experiencing the unique challenges of homelessness in rural areas

Read the full announcement.

Under the CoC Program, HUD also recently launched the CoCBuilds NOFO, which is $175 million in first-of-its-kind funding  for new construction, acquisition, or rehabilitation of permanent supportive housing. This will enable communities to develop new units of rental housing with supportive services for people experiencing homelessness. The application deadline is November 21. Read the full announcement.


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