Education Department Approves Every State’s Plan for ARP-HCY Funding
The Department of Education has approved every state's plans for spending the American Rescue Plan-Homeless Children and Youth (ARP-HCY) Fund.
Nevada, New Mexico, and Tennessee were among the final states to have their plans approved.
The money, which totals $800 million , can be used to identify students experiencing homelessness and connect them with necessary resources and supports that help them attend school and fully participate in school activities.
Here are some highlights of how the unprecedented funding is being used across the country:
- The Tennessee Department of Education is developing a McKinney-Vento data dashboard to visualize all data, academic and support services, on students experiencing homelessness in one location.
- The New Mexico Public Education Department is creating a statewide community of practice for early childhood programs and for postsecondary education. They are also developing a pilot project with the Regional Education Cooperatives in the state to improve identification and services for children and youth experiencing homelessness in rural areas.
- Oregon , in response to wildfires in 2020 , will be using a portion of ARP-HCY funding to increase school, district, and community capacity to identity and reengage students who are experiencing homelessness.
“Throughout the state plan review process, the [Education] Department has emphasized the importance of states getting funds to school districts as quickly as possible, encouraging strong partnerships with community-based organizations, and strategies that build capacity to identify students experiencing homelessness and provide wraparound services to meet their full needs,” the agency stated.
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