DOJ Announces New Funding to Address Homelessness Among Domestic Violence Victims and People Exiting Jail

May 29, 2024
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The Department of Justice (DOJ) recently announced two competitive funding opportunities for communities to prevent and end homelessness.

The Smart Reentry: Housing Demonstration Program will award up to $1 million as well as no-cost training and technical assistance to enhance or implement evidence-based activities or services to expand and/or increase access to housing for people who are currently or were formerly involved in the criminal justice system. The program will help jurisdictions assess their reentry systems, identify strengths and gaps, and build capacity for improved housing options for adults released from prison or jail.

The application deadline is July 18. Read the full announcement.

Meanwhile, the Emergency and Transitional Pet Shelter and Housing Assistance Grant Program will provide 10 awards of up to $500,000 each to help victims of domestic violence and their companion animals. The funding can be used to: purchase kennels, install pet amenities, partner with veterinarians to provide medical care, assist with housing relocation; provide pet boarding services; and undertake shelter modifications, among other activities.

The application deadline is July 22. Read the full announcement.


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